Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Auto targeting...

Right now, it feels like im on auto pilot and my guns are on auto lock on... seriously, i have soo much planning and emailing and books to read and homework to do and im just blasting them out of the sky. I seriously do not think I could be doing this without God. So many open doors for jam have been opening up, promotions at work, schools going great, my ministry is just growing and being rooted in the church...the Spirit is just moving through me right now, im just riding this train and letting God do all the work. Its intense but man, I am sooo happy right, i am so content, joyful, and ready to take on a lot of things. I just had to get these thoughts off my head haha.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

For those who are sick!

I was reading the news this morning and saw that this wouldbe very helpful to a lot of my friends and everyone who reads this, especially if you are sick! The article says
"Blowing your nose to alleviate stuffiness may be second nature, but some people argue it does no good, reversing the flow of mucus into the sinuses and slowing the drainage.

Counterintuitive, perhaps, but research shows it to be true.

To test the notion, Dr. J. Owen Hendley and other pediatric infectious disease researchers at the University of Virginia conducted CT scans and other measurements as subjects coughed, sneezed and blew their noses. In some cases, the subjects had an opaque dye dripped into their rear nasal cavities.

Coughing and sneezing generated little if any pressure in the nasal cavities. But nose blowing generated enormous pressure — “equivalent to a person’s diastolic blood pressure reading,” Dr. Hendley said — and propelled mucus into the sinuses every time. Dr. Hendley said it was unclear whether this was harmful, but added that during sickness it could shoot viruses or bacteria into the sinuses, and possibly cause further infection.

The proper method is to blow one nostril at a time and to take decongestants, said Dr. Anil Kumar Lalwani, chairman of the department of otolaryngology at the New York University Langone Medical Center. This prevents a buildup of excess pressure.


Blowing your nose can create a buildup of excess pressure in sinus cavities.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Get life into perspective...

This video is very inspiring and it puts your own life into perspective. As I was watching it, I remember thinking to myself how i totally relate to this and along with hillsong, am guilty of it all, we all are and its sad to think we can never do enough...these past couple years many causes and fights have arose to fight aids, save darfur and the invisible children, feed the homeless, save the planet...and they make seem as if its not a big deal, sure donate money online for your own convenience, buy green cars and green everything, even our efforts seem so insignifagant...what else can we do ya know? I like this video, especially being a Christian, and from hillsongs stand point, we are all sinners, you, me, everyone, we are all in need of a savior, Jesus Christ. Love God, Love people, Love life.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Say yes! To yes man!

If you like Jim Carrey, then go see this movie! Just like Australia, the critics gave bad reviews to this movie. And just like Australia, I loved it! Yes man was hilarious, Jim Carrey is as funny as ever, i was laughing non stop. Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) is a depressed bank worker who always says "No" to everything in his dull life. He spends his evenings watching movies in his apartment, shunning outside activity. When by accident he runs into an old friend, he is challenged to say "Yes!" to everything that comes his way in life, just as his friend had done after attending the Yes! seminar. Carl attends the Yes! seminar and makes a "covenant" with himself to answer yes to every oppurtunity that presents itself. He begins saying yes to everything which always gives him good results, but when he says no ironically something bad happens. If you got nothin better to do, go see this movie, please, its funny, and say yes!


It's official! The chargers, after an amazing/improbable comeback claimed the AFC west division title last night after laying waste to the denver broncos finishing the game 52-21, with an 8-8 season. All throughout the season, everyone has been wondering what happened to that promising 2007 chargers team that made it all the way to the Afc championship game. It was a slow start but i believe that the chargers are on their way back and they want this more than ever! The first playoff game starts at 5:15pm Sat Night on channel 8, you will not want to miss this game as the chargers will be hosting the rival team, Indianapolis. Anytime these two teams match up, you know your in for a good game!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Much needed rain?!

Finally! It is raining in San Diego! San Diego is known for it amazing, beautiful weather, the reason why so many tourists flock to this city, especially during the summer. But, along with its beautiful weather it can get hot, well for us it does. Its funny because when people come from the midwest and hear us complain about how cold it is, they just laugh and make fun of us, like last sunday, my friend had a friend from Iowa and she basically made fun of all us south cali kids because we thought 54 degrees was cold...i honestly think they are just saying that! Or how about people from the south, we complain here in cali that its sooo hot in the summer time, yet they make fun of us because how hot and humid it is in the south...hmmm still, a part of me really thinks that they are just trying to be mr and mrs tough person so that they can make fun of us Californians...w/e. San Diego is just the most beautiful place in the US, i happen to love the rain! I think it needs to rain here more often...too bad there was really no thunder or lightning...i should move out to Colorado or Nevada...well the news says it will be raining Tuesday and wens and will start to clear up around Thursday...i remember i think back in my junior year of high school when it rained SUPER HARD and practically flooded Ramona and poway and everywhere else in san diego and my friends put on our wet suits and got on our rafts and floated and swam and explored many overflowing creeks that was soo much fun!! But...we ended up getting poison oak ALL OVER US, everywhere...yes...everywhere haha...that was not a good i miss the Good ol days

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Its Christmas Time!!!

Already, I have watched Elf 4 times...seen those old doll/claymation videos twice, the whole series. I have watched the Christmas story, Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas...i'm pretty sure i'm gonna watch the polar express soon...haha. I love Christmas, well to be more precise, i like the time right after Halloween-through November to thanksgiving-up right UNTIL Christmas day. All that excitement, anticipation, going to the malls that are decked out in Christmas decorations, watching Christmas movies and once again, putting all of those favorite Christmas songs back on to your ipod. Last night my friend texted me she found the Christmas station on the radio, so i turned to it and i love it!! 96.5, we were texting each other back and forth(Yes while driving...haha)telling each other if we liked this song, or the next song and this and that, it was pretty fun. This whole season brings so much joy and purpose...although lots of people are like "It's not gonna be good because the economy sucks and lots of people are out of jobs, this and that, cant afford gifts and did it ever come to the point that the economy decides whether or not we get to have a Christmas or not. Now, I am a Christian, i'm going to Bible College studying to become a missions pastor but i am not big on those stickers that say "Put Christ back into Christmas"....i think thats just silly...i mean, to the point of having those stickers plastered on my car and basically puffing yourself up saying your religious and i do hope that this Christmas, people will recognize that there is much more to Christmas than just "stuff" and "material things"...its about family, spending time with your cousins, brothers, sisters, mom and dad, aunts, uncles, sharing time together, time is so precious. I love getting things for Christmas, but you first need to remember what its all about before you can TRULY appreciate it and have a good Christmas. One movie that I am definitely gonna watch before Christmas is the Nativity Story...its the movie about Mary and Joseph and how Mary gets pregnant with baby Jesus, its all about the birth of Jesus and what things Mary and Joseph would have went through back in that day, but its a great movie because it makes everything realistic and really tells the story of how God loved us all soo much he gave us his son, the savior of the world,i honestly almost cried at the end of the movie when he was born...just seeing them in the manger and...i'm not gonna spoil it for you :) it just gives you a better idea what actually happened during that time...its a great movie, you need to watch it!! Well...last year i spent at least $700 on my whole family (Mom, Dad, and 3 brothers...)i guess thats a lot of money, well, some people thought it was...but this year I don't know....i just honestly wanna bless my family with the best I can do, so far i have already gotten my little brother Eric's gift, im buying my Mom's right now online(Mom's are the hardest to shop for) and I think my brothers and I are going in on a big, grand gift for my other two brothers(Frankie and Andrew) will be pretty easy to buy for...but ya...its Christmas time...the worst part about Christmas is the day after...because there is nothing to really look forward too!!! So ya, there is sooo much to do this Christmas! I wanna find the coolest decorated houses and ice skate and go to the malls and...there is just so much to do and I'm gonna try to blog it all!! Merry Christmas!!!